Saturday, December 15, 2007

Thoughts from a Christmas Play

Last night was my home church's annual Christmas play. I couldn't help but sit and be amazed at how well done it was... especially because of the writing. It was a clear Gospel presentation from start to finish, including the OT sacrifice system, why Christ needed to come to earth, and a boatload of memorized Scripture. The concept was that schoolboys were learning from Luke about Christ at the same time that he was wreting his letter to Theopholus. So much memorized Scripture...

... and then I saw the faces on so many of the mothers and fathers who were there from the community, and others that I know that don't attend church. Some of them surely are saved, but I know some that aren't. To see their eyes blind to the Gospel that was right in front of their faces, enamered with how cute their kids are...

... all while the truth of eternity was right in front of them. Pastor came in afterward and gave a great Gospel message, reinforcing everything they just saw. I just couldn't help but think about how trivial so many churches will make their Christmas plays. Just an effort to get parents to come in see their kids so that they can come to church, rather than being a tool for evangelism in of itself.